The Quilt Show
Lee Chappell Monroe on The Quilt Show Trailer

I've been a fan of Alex Anderson since before I was a quilter! So when I was invited to be on The Quilt Show, it felt like a homecoming. And she lived up to the hype! Sometimes when you meet one of your heroes, it can feel like a let down, but she is even more delightful than I could've imagined!

Plus Ricky Tims!! I had met him a few years ago at AccuQuilt. He tells the best stories and has endless knowledge about quilting.

The reason The Quilt Show is an enduring and amazing success is these two people in front of the camera and the many equally amazing people behind the scenes. Every single person working to make this magic was a delight; it could not have been a better experience.

The Quilt Show brings on talented quilters sharing their skills in a fun, lively fashion each week. Here's a link to sign up for a free seven day trial. You can watch my episode and enjoy so much more. There is inspiration at every turn.

I filmed three segments (in Dallas! My hometown:) and shared about color, blind machine appliqué and of course some tips! My parents were able to come out for the taping!

Alex Anderson, Ann Monroe, Lee Chappell Monroe, Jim Monroe, Ricky Tims

I have been so excited to share this experience with you! I hope you love it as much as I loved doing it!

xx LC


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